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Schools are busy and complex systems. Families and the community at large expect schools to be safe and effective. The most effective way to create safe and supportive learning environments is through the development and implementation of clear and purposeful school policies.


School policy is defined as the set of established expectations for specific behavior and norms within a school.


We have reviewed and revised our current Anti-Bullying Policy and Positive Discipline Policy for St. Colum’s Primary School. We have taken cognisance of the most recent guidance available to schools, consulted with the Education Authority, consulted with staff, governors and most importantly the children. School policies are put in place to guide the day-to-day functioning of the school as well as to make it safe and an effective place for learning to occur.


I invite you as a member of the parental body to read these most recent drafts of our Anti-Bullying Policy and Positive Discipline Policy.

(Draft Policy Documents and response form can be found on the following link…


Please send response to by 18th September 2020.


It would be most useful if you would consider the following:

  • Does the policy clearly define what bullying is?
  • Does the policy clearly outline the preventative measures we take each year to educate the children on issues surrounding bullying and in promoting positive behaviour?
  • Is it clear in the Policy how a child/parent or any other person can raise a concern with the school regarding behaviour concerns or bullying?
  • In reading these policies are you satisfied with the steps the school will take to address any misbehaviour and/or bullying behaviour?

        If you are not, we would welcome your opinion as to how you believe we could improve upon any

        such actions.


Thank you for taking the time to consider these policies.


Mrs McCullagh

