Teachers from both schools met in January for joint staff meetings. This was to help with the organisation of resources, working groups, key visitor inspiration opportunities and the logistics of more than 450 pupils moving between two schools safely to work together on the project. It is fair to say that teachers are as excited as the pupils in this STEM learning journey! Staff are rising to the challenge of preparing lessons and responding to the questions posed by the children as they contemplate their designs.
Miss Pillow of Portstewart Primary and Dr Greene of St Colum’s Primary have been liaising on the video capture of project key events with the final submission in mind. Ms Murray has created a short animated trailer to stimulate the children’s imagination and creativity as the design phase begins. This will be delivered in assemblies and classrooms in both schools.
Whilst we write this blog we are currently preparing for a week of STEM focused activities in school. Mrs Smyth, vice principal of Portstewart Primary School, has been able to organise video interviews with some mechanical engineers to answer pupil questions and for a Computer Design expert to visit P7s to introduce computer design software to them. We are hoping for other visitors to attend including Tony Sweeting, our Rolls Royce ambassador, to inspire the children in both schools and to answer questions as they arise. On hearing about ‘Marvellous Movers’ our local council is keen to learn more about our project and a visit from the Mayor is scheduled during this week.
Mrs Quiery our parent Governor has been liaising with industry visitors and the local venue to arrange the final exhibition of work. The first exhibition planning meeting is scheduled to take place this week too. She will also arrange the PR for the STEM focused week.
Miss Gilmore, our project lead, has been keeping an eye on the budget, overseeing resource purchases, liaising with staff and monitoring progress. She also facilitated the joint staff meetings. Miss McGoldrick is the co-ordinator of the Marvellous Mover Project in St Colum’s Primary School. She continues to ensure that all staff are briefed and up to date and have their questions answered in order to deliver the project on schedule.
Mrs. Shaw is still liaising with Dominican College regarding the possibility of their students acting as mentors to our children during the make phase of the project. She has also made enquiries with regards to STEM based CPD to ensure that all staff have the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to maximise learning potential.
So whilst the wind and wave power is evident every day here on the blustery North Coast of Ireland, the children of our wee town are concentrating on the design phase of their project and continue to be inspired and motivated to create their ‘Marvellous Movers’!
What’s Next?