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Your family has the opportunity to participate in an important investigation.


An Ecology Group has been formed in our Cluster parishes and their first activity is to join this year’s Big Plastic Count, organised by Greepeace and Everyday Plastic. They need as many households as possible to take part by tracking how much plastic they use in one week. Let’s uncover the truth about plastic waste – and compare results!


The Big Plastic Count is the UK’s biggest ever investigation into household plastic waste. By counting your household plastic waste packaging for a week, you and your child will help tackle plastic pollution.


The survey will take place from Monday 16th to Sunday 22nd May.


We invite your whole family on this journey. Together, we can uncover the truth about plastic recycling and stop everyday plastic at the source.




From Monday morning until Sunday evening, either:


  1. Collect then count: Collect your plastic waste in a separate bag and count it at the end of the week using the My Tally Sheet your child brings home. Or:
  2. Count as you throw: Count every piece of plastic package as you throw it away by tallying it up on your My Tally Sheet. 





  • We want to tally all of the plastic packaging you use in a week, including on-the-go items like take-away cups, plastic bags and fast food packaging. So count what you buy when you're out and about, as well as household items.
  • Count everything! This means all plastic packaging.
  • Tell everyone you live with to count or collect each piece of plastic they throw away.
  • Don’t forget bathroom waste and packaging from the post too!
  • Put your My Tally Sheet somewhere noticeable like on the fridge or next to the bin to help you remember that it’s The Big Plastic Count week.Tallying your plastic for the week might sound like a lot but it should only take a couple of minutes out of your day. Once your household has completed the survey, your child will bring the Let’s Count Tally Sheet back to school on Monday 23rd May so we can record your results.


Thank you for taking part in this important investigation!


Happy counting everyone!


St. Colum’s Eco-Comittee

