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We are delighted to be able to offer a Summer Scheme for pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (P3-P7) on the following dates.


Week 1 – Monday 26th July to Friday 30th July.

Week 2 – Monday 2nd August to Friday 6th August.


Currently it is planned that the timetable for each day is 10.00am - 2pm and the children will bring a packed lunch. There will be no cost for the Summer Scheme.


Places are limited (44 pupils each week) due to Covid restrictions. In the initial survey there was a high interest expressed. To facilitate as many pupils as possible you are asked to choose attendance for one week only, at this stage. If the uptake is not as big as anticipated there may be the opportunity to attend for two weeks, depending upon availability.


In the event of oversubscription to the Summer Scheme priority will be given to any child who currently has a Statement of Special Educational Needs in accordance with guidance from DE.


The Summer Scheme will focus on emotional health and wellbeing, as well as activities which are interactive and fun, with plenty of scope for outside play and for learning activities as and where appropriate.


It is hoped that social distancing rules will improve in time for the Summer Scheme to begin but for the moment, the current practice of school bubbles will continue to apply.


Applications for the Summer Scheme will open at 10.00am on Tuesday 25th May 2021, via the Registration of Interest form on the following link


Places will be allocated on a “First Come First Served” basis. 
